Phân tích thành phần Nguyên tố

Phân tích thành phần Nguyên tố

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2022 05:49 PM
Lượt xem: 432

    Nowadays, Elemental analysis is an important role of life.

    QES Vietnam, We offers a broad range of elemental analysis technologies such as: ICP-OES, XRF, Mobile/Stationary Metal Analyzers and Elemental Analyzers on-site also


    Industries producing or processing raw materials require reliable quality control of both their base materials and their finished products, and in many cases also use spectral analysis instruments for monitoring their processes, a common practice in the metal industry. Research and development departments require flexible analytical techniques to handle their constantly changing requirements. Additionally, waste and waste water also need to be checked for compliance with national regulations before being deposited or released into the environment. 


    The oil industry uses elemental analysis not only to monitor the production of their fuels, oils and additives themselves, but also to study the effectiveness of their products by analyzing wear metal content and additive consumption in used oils. The latter is also of high interest for people and companies who monitor the health of their well-oiled machines, e.g., turbines for energy production or motors in cargo ships and other large vehicles.

    In agriculture, elemental analysis is commonly used for verifying the state of the soil in order to determine both type and amount of fertilizer required for improving quality and yield of the harvest. The finished food products themselves need to be checked for toxic elements, too.


    Other healthcare related applications include the monitoring of drinking water, analyzing toxic elements in medical products and examining the release of toxic metals and metallic allergens from toys and clothing. 
