Phân tích Thép - Hợp kim trong các ngành Công nghiệp

Phân tích Thép - Hợp kim trong các ngành Công nghiệp

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2022 09:42 PM
Lượt xem: 508

    The keys important control for Metal analysis in Industries as below:

    + Oils & Gas industry:
    - Upstream: Alloy material verification for on-shore & off-shore rigs. 
    - Midstream: Pipeline Safety App automates testing procedure for carbon and CE in pipeline steels and welds, to reduce operator error and provide fast, in-ditch measurements. Material verification per API 5L, PHMSA “Mega Rule.”
    - Downstream: PMI for carbon steels, L, and H grade stainless and nickel alloys. Residuals (Cr, Cu, Ni), including carbon. Carbon and carbon equivalents in welds and materials.

    + Power plant:
    The very important for testing as: Flow-accelerated corrosion, carbon, CE in steels and stainless, and alloy PMI. All without the regulatory burden of X-ray. 

    + Aerospace industry:
    The Z verifies low carbon nickel superalloys like 718 LC and MarM 248 LC, and measures boron-containing nickel and stainless alloys.

    + Fabrication:
    Need to PMI carbon for fabricated metal product and welds? Use the smallest, fastest carbon analyzer ever made. In use daily at hundreds of fab shops globally.

    + Pharmaceutical & Chemical industries:
    Instantly verify that your alloy materials are 316L. The Z measures carbon down to 0.007%. 
